Friday, May 16, 2008


I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm blogging at work. I want to go home. Ok, now that's out of the way......

This week has been relatively dull and boring. Yesterday was Sarah's 30th birthday. Happy Birthday to her!!! We went to lunch with her office friends and I brought a cake from the best cake baker in the world. It was so good. I could eat the entire thing right now. Sarah's mom made a nice dinner for her (she's in town for a few days) and invited my parents over to eat. It was nice.

Tomorrow, Sarah and I are going out together for the first time without Celie. We're going to a party....a pretty fancy party. It should be fun. Who knows how long we'll be us stay 30 minutes and leave. Nah....we'll have a great time. I'm looking forward to it.

Thank God it rained here today....oy! It has been like a waste land for the past weeks. Not an ounce of water has fallen from the sky, until today. Not sure if it rained at our house or not....I really hope so. My landscaping depends on it. Speaking of landscape....I hope to plant our container gardens this weekend.

Now for those of you who don't know me that well, last year, we became insanely addicted to container gardens. To the point of it being unhealthy. I think we spent close to $1,000 on pots and plants last year. Then fall and winter came, oh right, and a baby. So, I feel newly connected to my yard now. We have four containers on our front porch (not to worry, we have a big porch). I think the two pots by the door will be peppermint plants. Easy, fragrant and grows like a weed. The other two will be some sort of flower I'm sure. That's the if it rains, plans change to cleaning out the inside of the cars - ugh. I've stated before, Celie is completely advanced (lol, kidding). She's doing great. She is all about her tummy time and doing her push-ups and raising her little head to look over the crib side. It's so cute to watch. She's very content in her crib and can hang out in there for a while before calling (crying) for us. I walked in on her the other day (because I'm not 100% secure enough to leave her in there without checking on her), and she was looking around as if she'd never seen anything. I immediately ran to the closet and pulled out the camcorder. Then I was busted, she caught me. Great. She got up and we hung out and I got her all sorts of off her schedule. You're welcome mommy!

It's time to augment the schedule. Now that she's older, she's able to last longer in between feedings now that she's eating more and more at each one. We're trying out half of the new schedule tonight....we'll see how it goes and I'll report back. Keep your fingers crossed.

***Sidebar: Can I just say how much I hate the phrase, "It's 5:00 somewhere". What I hate even more is the people who use it think that they're being really funny and acting like this phrase is a novelty. Well folks, it isn't, so stop using it. I don't even know if it's really 5:00 somewhere. I mean, are you an expert on time zones? Do you know this for a fact? I'm on this tangent because two people just came by my office and said it. Ugh!!!!***

Alright....well, that's all for now. I hope you all have a great weekend. Be safe and be in church on me, you need it - I know you people!

Oh, by the way.....I've updated the slideshow. There are pictures from Celie's dedication and other random shots. Look over to the right......


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