Thursday, July 1, 2010

John Mark McMillan | How He Loves: A Story


Yes, it's me. I plan on blogging more this weekend, but I first wanted to share this video with you. It's the story behind the song, How He Loves by John Mark McMillan. It's one of my favorite new worship songs out there. Now, his arrangement is not my favorite. And I sorta get irritated by the whole, "I'm a cool Christian artist who never shaves, drinks a lot of coffee, wears retro Ray Ban sunglasses, drives an old dodge van and drives to a run down warehouse to practice my music" but the message in this song is so good and the lyrics are even better.

"He is jealous for me. Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy."

GET OUT OF MY FACE with that lyric.


There are a lot of different arrangements out there. I know David Crowder Band has a popular arrangement. I think I like the female vocals the best - I haven't decided yet.

But, here it is and I hope you enjoy.

Blog with you soon. I promise.