Thursday, April 9, 2009

Weight Watchers Results - Week 5 (and some other stuff)

Before I jump into our weigh-in results for this week, I want to say thank you to those of you who left a comment about Celie's Easter dress. I know, it's a silly thing to do, but we wanted you to feel part of the process. According to the five comments I received, plus the five that Sarah received, it looks like most of you think she should wear the white dress. If you're just now reading, please scroll down and take a look at the dresses and still continue to leave your comments. I know that she's going to be so cute and funny regardless of what she wears (she was a hoot today, by the way).

So - our results for the week.

Sarah is a machine. She is steady, steady, steady. Slicing off another two pounds this week! YAY Sarah!!!! She's up to 12 pounds off total. She just started gym work this week and apparently took a class with a local trainer and I think she likened it to the bowels of hell - not sure, but I think that's what she called it. Something about almost passing out and puking all at the same time - sounds intriguing, no? I can't wait to see her results next week. She'll have had two complete weeks of gym work. I'm really excited for her.

By some miracle, I shaved off 6 pounds this week!!! My total is now 20 pounds off. I could not be more excited. I was really only expecting to lose a pound or two. Certainly not 6. My goal was just to hit the 15 pound mark tonight. I really can't believe it. I too have joined the gym. I'm not and probably won't be able to take any of the classes because they're on Wednesday nights. I have a choir to rehearse at 7:30. The classes start at 5:30. My mom has to be at her church at 5:00 because they do a puppet ministry and she's, well.....a puppet. So Miss Priss will have to be with me. Maybe we'll switch it up, who knows. I really want Sarah to go if she wants to go. Plus, I have this really really major anxiety that I may (loudly) pass gas while in one of these classes. I mean, how do you hide it? You know, if your walking with someone outside, you can do the infamous toot-n-walk. But in the class....there's someone directly behind (heehee) you. I would die. Actually, I would be forced to move away if that happened because I would be so embarrassed. I know we all toot. It's a normal bodily function, but you know, some people are just gassier than others. Oy.....

Today was the first day that there were actual people in the gym working out with us. Three other men. I have a feeling that I'm going to be given so much blog material from going here. You know all the different types of people that go to gyms. Nothing much to report today. One man was elderly, so he was no fun. Then one guy was super-fit and ONLY worked out on the free weights (you know these types). I just sorta stared at him, cursing him under my breath. Then there was this other guy in the ultra-tight sleeveless, triathlon-esque workout shirt and shorts that basically should have been underwear because they were so short.

Now, I am sorry, but I am just not comfortable enough with myself to wear shorts this short. They clearly had the built-in briefs (gross). Anyway, he was a card. No one spoke to each other which I thought was a little weird since the gym is so very small, oh so very high-end and nice, but very small. Oh, there is a story about a security guard, but I'll let Sarah tell it since it's really more her story to tell anyway.

So.....if anyone has any gym tips for me, please comment and leave them. I'm not a gym person, so any help will be appreciated. Are people really concerned about what you wear to the gym? I mean, I've been wearing old t-shirts and "play shorts" as I call them. They are actually running shorts that I cut the built-in briefs out (no thank you to the brief - especially the mesh built-in, but that's a blog all on it's own).

I have a Marketing Summit I have to attend with my company in May so I'm hoping to cross the 30 pound mark by then. I know it's a stretch and I'm sure I'm about to start a plateau, but we'll see. I need to look great for all these people, right?

Remember, leave your comments on any tips that might help me in the gym. It can be a great routine you discovered, a helpful organizational tip, tips on attire, anything at all. I can't wait to read them.


Anonymous said...

Hey, great job on the weight loss both of you!!
As for the gym attire, I don't think there's anything wrong with what you're wearing. A tip I learned a few years back (but have clearly not been using myself!) is to lift weights first, then do cardio. This makes your muscles burn sugar while lifting, then you'll burn more fat while doing cardio. It makes your cadio harder becuase you aren't burning that easy sugar, but I think it gives you more bang for your buck in the gym.

The Traveling Turtle said...

YAY for US! I am so proud of both of us. Char - I am so glad you said that about the cardio last. I do it that way - not b/c I knew it was any better for you, just happened to be the way I wanted to do it - but now I feel better about myself. I usually get "the look" from people when I hop on weights first, but I feel like I sweat a TON more that way, so I figured it had to be good for me. :) I am glad to know there are actual scientific facts to back me up!

As for me, I wear these HIDEOUS knee (spandex) pants and and old t shirt. I never care what I look like while I am in there. I go to lose weight, not to model (yet):).

Stefanie said...

It is fantastic that you are both doing so well. Losing weight is not easy (as I am in the midst of my own workout hell right now) and I think it's great you two are doing it together!!!

As for the gym attire.....wear what you want. Like Sarah said, you're not modeling (yet). Just leave the headbands and leg warmers in the eighties!! :)

As for Celie's dress: I believe the white is the way to go. So many people do the plaid look. I like the idea of the white dress with a pink/yellow or blue sash. She will look beautiful no matter what you choose!

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Matthew White!!!! I am so proud of you--and thank you thank you for always being so supportive of Sarah

I love u u are doing great---you are so funny

Joyce Elaine