Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Not a Thankful Post

For those of you who don't know, Sarah is an Mexican Princess. She's straight out of the Mayan empire. Ok, so that might be extreme. She may as well be because girl could eat Mexican food for every meal, every day of the week. I mean, when I'm debating on what to cook for dinner, Sarah's list of choices include: fajitas, enchiladas, tacos (Lord, the tacos), tostadas, etc. I mean, I like a good Mexican restaurant, but everyday?

While Sarah was pregnant, she put away some Mexican food. I'm not saying she was constantly eating because she wasn't, she actually lost weight during pregnancy, but if there was a meal in sight, it was almost always Mexican.

She loves guacamole. I think it is the most tasteless mush I've ever had. Lucky me, Sarah has passed this "disease" on to our daughter who is now a Mexican herself. Celie is super well-behaved in restaurants. She sits quietly in her chair and plays with her toys and eats when it's time to eat. We all went to the local Mexican restaurant in St. Joe the other night and since we'd given Celie some avocado before, I thought, "I wonder if she'll like this guac?"

That was the understatement of the year. She devoured the guac and rice. Loved both of them - unconditionally. I've never seen anything like it. Perhaps it's because the guac has so much flavor yet the consistency of something a toothless person would like. She would get all put out if I didn't keep shoveling it in.

Sarah has created a monster. I've already paid Peppers for a year's worth of their rent from our pregnancy, could it be that I'm going to send all their children to college too?

I can't wait for the rest of the week as Celie's taste buds are further stimulated by the food. Granted, she's not eating stuff like sweet potato souffle or pecan pie. (That was a not-so-subtle hint to Celie's MeMe who for some reason thinks my 9 month old baby needs ham hock collard greens and birthday cake.)

Can't you people see where that has put me in weight class??????

More on Celie's food adventures later.


The Traveling Turtle said...

That is odd, I posted a not so subtle hint to MeMe in my blog as well. :):)

Punkin said...

Hey, to the both of you
" kiss my grits"
Like the little saying goes, what
goes on at Meme's house stays at Meme's house, so there chew on that for a while

Anonymous said...

To all of you I say OLE'